Rapid, non-targeted discovery of biochemical transformation and biomarker candidates in oncovirus-infected cell lines using LAESI mass spectrometry

B. Shrestha, P. Sripadi, C. M. Walsh,T.T. Razunguzwa,M. J. Powell, K. Kehn-Hall, F. Kashanchi, and A. Vertes

Chemical Communications, 2012O48, 3700-3702.
DOI: 10.1039/C2CC17225A | Impact factor (2011): 6.169



Finding insights into how viruses hijack metabolic processes and biomarkers for viral diseases often require hypotheses about target compounds and/or labelling techniques. Here we present a method based on laser ablation electrospray ionization mass spectrometry to rapidly identify potential protein and metabolite biomarkers of oncovirus infection in B lymphocytes.